Life is difficult. Hope and healing through Jesus Christ are possible. Join me as we navigate this perilous journey together.
Sarah's Recent Posts
A Winter Storm: Beautiful and Dangerous
The snow-covered mountains looked like the setting for a Hallmark movie. I peered through the ice-coated tree branches, looking for the big city girl who had returned to her small town. Soon, a horse-drawn sleigh would glide over the glistening snow with the hunky Christmas farmer at the reins. Yet, it wasn’t Christmas, and we weren’t in a romantic movie. No picture-perfect couple. Just me, my road-weary husband, and our twenty-year-old always hungry son.
We’d left our Florida home Friday morning with...read more
Santa Phobia
This may not be a popular opinion and I may lose friends, but here it is: I don’t like Santa. I think it started as a child when I was asked to sit on an overweight stranger’s lap, or maybe it could have been when a stinky Santa Claus gave me a generic Barbie whose head popped off as soon as I unwrapped the doll. But I think my dislike most likely started and kept going because I don’t like asking for gifts.
Making a wish list has always been problematic for me. Isn’t asking for presents selfish?...read more
Too Many Hurricanes: Why Me?
The pictures haunted me. In the first shot, stylish home décor filled the antique store from floor to ceiling. In the next snap, water and storm debris filled the store. Everything ruined. This business was one of many in the southeastern United States ruined by Hurricane Helene. Not long afterward, Hurricane Milton swept through Florida, wreaking similar destruction. The southeastern portion of our country is no stranger to devastating storms. Why? Did this region do something to become the target of...read more
Coming Soon
Raised in a verbally abusive family, Emily longs for a freshstart away from them. When she goes to college, a confession changes everything. The effects of sexual, verbal and emotional abuse haunt her. Will she ever be whole again? learn more